Case Study

Transforming HCP Data Management for Global Life Sciences Brand

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When a recent merger prevented our client, a global life sciences company, from accurately identifying HCPs across different systems, it hindered dynamic personalization and led to lower engagement. If the client were unable to reestablish identification, the consequences would be significant and multifaceted.

Without the ability to dynamically personalize communications based on accurate HCP profiles, engagement levels would likely remain low. And without a single, unified platform, the effort and time required to manage HCP data would increase significantly.

We came on board to design a technology solution to integrate identity and access management with various platforms and mobile apps, which had the important benefit of de-risking breach of compliance requirements. Our ultimate goal was to enhance their omnichannel capabilities and boost the effectiveness of their digital marketing and field sales.

Building A Global Identification Model

Through our research and design approach, we first identified key issues and core functionality requirements for Customer Master Data, Identity, and Consent Management. Our analysis showed that both companies lacked sufficient customer master data management and unique customer identification for their combined total of 4 million HCP customer records. We found a high risk of non-compliance due to the decentralized nature of their consent management systems.

Then we developed a Global Customer Identification Model specifically tailored to meet the unique needs of each market. After analyzing more than 900 data variables, we selected only 75 to create an optimized model. We designed the model for localization flexibility and scalability; it has been rigorously tested in various markets, including the US, Germany, China, and Brazil.


Third, we created a Level 3 Global Consent Model on their Salesforce platform, leveraging SFID. This model is designed with a practical number of attributes for customers, considering the limited options for content personalization within the strict regulatory environment of the pharmaceutical industry. It also features a consent management approach that avoids placing excessive downstream burdens on data management teams.

Finally, we implemented a Customer Master Data Management system equipped with a global fuzzy logic record-matching and data de-duplication algorithm. We also enhanced the SFID Match API to meet specific country requirements while maintaining a centralized global capability.

Key Outcomes from Our Data Management Strategy

  • Better Personalization: We enabled personalized customer experiences by providing accurate profiles and attribute data, significantly enhancing HCP engagement.
  • Optimized Customer Journeys: Captured experience and journey data to help optimize future interactions.
  • Global Compliance: Achieved compliant communication across over 50 prioritized countries within 18 months, ensuring global reach and consistency.
  • Data Coordination: Harmonized approximately 4 million customer identity records, eliminating 45% of duplicate entries.
  • System Integration: Created bi-directional interfaces with Veeva CRM, Salesforce CRM, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, HCP Portals, and Webinar Platforms, enhancing data flow and accessibility.
  • Business Continuity: Ensured zero disruption to the client's business operations.
  • Localized Support: Supported market-specific localization needs with minimal coding required, utilizing a flexible template approach.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Eliminated risks related to non-compliance with local regulations, maintaining high visibility and control across systems.

“Seamless identity management is a natural ally to marketing teams. This is the largest deployment of SFID in the Life Sciences Industry.”
— Data Evangelist, Salesforce

To sum up: Decentralized HCP profiles that hinder proper identification lead to data inconsistency, higher risk of data breaches, compliance challenges, inefficiency, increased costs, and other issues. Given the proliferation of so many social media channels and internet experiences, it’s harder than ever to achieve a holistic view of the customer, which makes it even more challenging to personalize communications.

But with the right customer master data management solutions, companies can create better personalization for their HCP audiences, stay compliant with regulations, and enhance their omnichannel capabilities for higher levels of engagement.

Ready to elevate your brand with a cutting-edge omnichannel strategy?Connect with Asentech today, and discover how we can guide you toward omnichannel excellence for a successful launch.